Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Infinity Nursing Cover Scarf Tutorial!

     I love this scarf. It is the perfect nursing cover. It is extremely comfortable and roomy! I won't have to fiddle with it all the time like I had to with my store bought nursing covers. Where was this with my first baby? These sell on Etsy for 25-30 dollars. (..ouch). I was able to make these for significantly less. So if you don't feel like making your own, I sell them for less than half the price on my Etsy page:  Rmsdesigns14 . However, they are extremely simple and a beginner with a sewing machine can easily make their own :) 

What you will need:

-7/8 yard of fabric of 60" width.
Note about the fabric: Use jersey knit if you do not wish to have to finish all of your sides. You can really use any fabric, but I suggest that you find something soft that you like that isn't going to be easy to see through. If you fall in love with a fabric that isn't 60" wide, never fear! Just buy more! :) 
-Serger or a sewing machine
-Yard stick, rotary mat, ruler (some sort of measuring tool) 

 Lay out your fabric and cut it to be 60 x 30 inches. 

Fold in half like a hamburger with right sides of the fabric facing each other and pin.
(Right sides together doesn't normally matter for jersey knit. If it matters for your selected fabric make sure that the brighter fabric sides are facing each other when you fold.)

Set your sewing machine to the zig zag setting if using a regular sewing machine. 
Stitch very close to the edge. 
Make sure to back-stitch!

I normally stitch close enough to the edge so I don't have to trim it, but for the sake of the tutorial I left a little space. If you have excess, carefully cut away the excess without cutting any of your stitches.

 Once you have cut off the excess, if any, you are ready to rock your awesome new infinity scarf nursing cover!
Didn't buy jersey knit? You aren't done! You need to add a small hem all the way around both sides of the scarf. 

Happy discreet breastfeeding! 


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